It was decided months before Bub's birthday that we go to Cabela's. So ALL summer he saved his money up so he could spend it there. So on Friday the 19th of Sept we took off for Rapid City to celebrate his birthday and visit my brother and his family.
With everyone in our family I always make a "birthday meal" so knowing Caleb enjoys the Applebee, we ate there on his birthday. Of course since he is now 13 he is not thrilled about all this picture taking in public.Here is Caleb at Cabela's and I am driving him nuts by poking along OUTSIDE. :) HEHEHE!!! I so enjoying having fun like that...maybe I should repent but don't feel the need yet.
Then on Saturday we joined my brother and his wife watching his girls at "playdays". It is a time where a bunch of kids can perform at barrels, poles, etc. It is like a kids rodeo...even the adults got to compete. This is how Samantha spent the 4 hours...sitting on anyones lap who would take her...she didn't have too many who didn't take her.